Meat and Poultry

Watermelon Gazpacho and Curried Coconut Chicken Salad

2022-10-15T14:35:42-04:00August 1st, 2012|Categories: Appetizers, Food Columns, Meat and Poultry, Salads, Soups, Vegetables|Tags: , , , |

During the dog days of summer the last thing we want to do is prepare food in a hot kitchen over a hot stove. We seek fare that requires little or no cooking and that can be prepared early in the day, cooled, and then served chilled directly from the refrigerator.  Watermelon gazpacho comes together [...]

Chicken Kebabs with a Honey Mustard Sauce

2024-02-27T09:45:23-05:00June 1st, 2012|Categories: Food Columns, Meat and Poultry|Tags: , , , |

It’s grilling season—time to cook outdoors, to smell the flowers and enjoy the sunshine. Here are two great recipes to add to your repertoire of outdoor cuisine.  Chicken kebabs with a honey mustard sauce is delicious accompanied with vegetable kebabs and served over a bed of Israeli couscous.  To ensure success, make sure that the [...]

Meat Loaf

2022-10-15T14:26:05-04:00March 1st, 2012|Categories: Food Columns, Meat and Poultry|Tags: , |

They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  Although all bets are off for many more cold days in March with this winter being one of the warmest on record, we may yet have one of those cold and blustery days days where we are craving some stick [...]

Roast Turkey

2024-02-27T09:15:08-05:00November 1st, 2011|Categories: Food Columns, Meat and Poultry, Thanksgiving|Tags: , |

Thanksgiving is the quintessential American holiday enjoyed and celebrated by all Americans.  It is a time when we gather with family and friends to share precious time together and partake of a sumptuous meal.  To enhance your Thanksgiving feast with your family, I’ve provided recipes for Roast Turkey and Sweet Potato Casserole.  Happy Thanksgiving! [...]

Grilled Chicken Paillard on a Bed of Mixed Spring Greens Salad

2024-02-27T09:08:40-05:00June 1st, 2011|Categories: Cooking Light, Food Columns, Meat and Poultry|Tags: , |

June is upon us!  We’re in high spring with summer just around the corner.  It’s time to fire up the grills!  Here’s a recipe for grilled chicken paillard that may very well become your go-to recipe for grilling season.  Paillard is a technique that involves flattening or pounding the chicken cutlets until they are very thin.  [...]