
Grilled Hamburgers and Fireworks Coleslaw

2024-07-03T13:25:49-04:00July 3rd, 2024|Categories: Cooking Light, Fourth of July, Meat and Poultry, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Vegetarian|Tags: , , |

We Americans are an independent lot.  Imbued with free spirits, we embrace  individuality, creativity, and self reliance. Since we so admire the self-made, do-it-yourself attribute, a burger bar is the way to go for your July Fourth festivities.   Essentially, you will provide your guests with burgers and all the fixings, so that they can create [...]

Spinach Ricotta Gnocchi

2024-06-11T08:52:14-04:00June 11th, 2024|Categories: Dairy, Shavuot, Vegetarian|

Here’s another tasty dairy option for Shavuot. Ricotta gnocchi are the faster, easier, and, some would say, tastier counterpart to potato gnocchi. If you’ve avoided making pasta or gnocchi recipes because of elaborate instructions and techniques, you’re in for a treat with this recipe, which will give you the satisfaction of making a home made [...]

Eggplant Parmesan

2024-06-10T15:19:33-04:00June 10th, 2024|Categories: Dairy, Shavuot, Vegetarian|

The Jewish holiday Shavuot begins at sunset this Tuesday, June 11th and ends sundown on Thursday, June 13th. Shavuot is also known as the Jewish Festival of Weeks and it commemorates the anniversary of the giving of the Torah. There are many traditions associated with this lovely holiday such as reading The Book of Ruth [...]

Passover Baked Onion Rings

2024-04-15T20:12:53-04:00April 15th, 2024|Categories: Appetizers, Passover, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Vegetarian|

These kosher for Passover onion rings are baked, not fried. They’re low-fat and low-cal, so feel free to take seconds.  Onions are rich in l-tryptophan—an amino acid that is a natural sedative, so eat a bunch of these onion rings and get a good night’s sleep.  And…yes…kosher for Passover panko crumbs are available.  Wishing all [...]

Hasselback Baby Sweet Potatoes For Passover

2024-04-11T18:01:25-04:00April 11th, 2024|Categories: Passover, Side Dishes, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian|

Looking for a special side dish for your Passover menu? You will love these tasty, nutritious, quick and easy hasselback baby sweet potatoes that make such an impressive presentation. 6 baby sweet potatoes or the smallest you can find cottonseed oil salt and pepper cinnamon melted honey Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line [...]

Nanny Fela’s Bubbeleh

2024-01-05T09:46:49-05:00January 5th, 2024|Categories: Breakfast/Brunch, Dairy, Holidays, Passover, Vegetarian|

Nanny Fela was the quintessential Yiddishe Bubbe to my children, Lawrence and Sally, who are now grown and married with children of their own.  They have the fondest memories of Nanny Fela's bubbeleh, which they always requested for breakfast when they visited her in her bungalow in the Catskills.  My son describes the bubbeleh as [...]

1-2-3-4- Potato Latkes

2023-12-11T08:52:25-05:00December 11th, 2023|Categories: Hanukkah, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Vegetarian|

There are so many variations of potato latkes--zucchini, carrot, beet, sweet potato, celery root--just to name a few. But my favorite latkes are the classic potato latkes.  I call my recipe the 1-2-3-4 latke recipe. The numbers make it easy to remember the amounts of each ingredient. These are the BEST EVER LATKES--crisp on the [...]