
Watermelon Gazpacho and Curried Coconut Chicken Salad

2022-10-15T14:35:42-04:00August 1st, 2012|Categories: Appetizers, Food Columns, Meat and Poultry, Salads, Soups, Vegetables|Tags: , , , |

During the dog days of summer the last thing we want to do is prepare food in a hot kitchen over a hot stove. We seek fare that requires little or no cooking and that can be prepared early in the day, cooled, and then served chilled directly from the refrigerator.  Watermelon gazpacho comes together [...]

Asparagus Soup

2022-10-15T10:05:19-04:00April 1st, 2011|Categories: Food Columns, Soups|Tags: |

Spring is here--finally!!  In the culinary world, one sure sign of spring is the appearance of fresh asparagus at your local markets.  Here's delicious soup that features asparagus to celebrate the season.  Happy Spring!