
Savory Hamantaschen

2025-03-12T11:45:04-04:00March 12th, 2025|Categories: Appetizers, Purim|Tags: , |

Here’s a great recipe for savory hamantaschen.  To make these tasty treats, I use a store bought puff pastry to cut out the circles, fill them with a grated melting cheese, brush the pastry triangles with an egg glaze and sprinkle with sesame seeds.  These golden brown beauties are quick and easy to make and [...]

Pigs in Blankets

2024-07-03T13:24:28-04:00July 3rd, 2024|Categories: Appetizers, Fourth of July, Meat and Poultry|Tags: |

Here are some fun and creative recipes to enliven your July festivities.  Pigs in blankets—hot dogs wrapped in puff pastry—add a delicious gourmet touch to the common hot dog in a bun.  For those in a red, white and blue state of mind—the fruit kebabs and potato salad will be sure to please.  To make [...]

Passover Baked Onion Rings

2024-04-15T20:12:53-04:00April 15th, 2024|Categories: Appetizers, Passover, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Vegetarian|

These kosher for Passover onion rings are baked, not fried. They’re low-fat and low-cal, so feel free to take seconds.  Onions are rich in l-tryptophan—an amino acid that is a natural sedative, so eat a bunch of these onion rings and get a good night’s sleep.  And…yes…kosher for Passover panko crumbs are available.  Wishing all [...]


2022-07-24T11:02:43-04:00July 24th, 2022|Categories: Appetizers, Breakfast/Brunch, Side Dishes, Vegetarian|

I first sampled shakshouka during my travels in Israel.   Widely popular in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, it hails from Tunisia in North Africa.  The word “shakshouka” is Arabic for ”all mixed up.” Shakshouka in its most basic form is a toothsome dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce.  You may be familiar [...]

Challah Dogs

2022-07-20T10:45:00-04:00July 20th, 2022|Categories: Appetizers, Meat and Poultry|

These challah dogs are always a huge hit.  I get hot dog specials from my butcher, whip up a batch of my challah dough, roll handfuls of the dough into strands, wrap the strands around the hot dogs in a spiral, then bake till golden brown.  The combination of thick, juicy hot dogs and fresh challah spirals is simply divine! 6 - 12 hot dogs [...]

Israeli 7-Layer Mosaic Spread

2022-05-05T10:07:26-04:00May 5th, 2022|Categories: Appetizers, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Vegetarian|

This Israeli Seven Layer Mosaic Spread has become my new go-to dish when I’m looking for an hors d’oeuvre or appetizer that’s fun and festive and visually appealing.  It features two popular Middle Eastern spreads:  Hummus—made with mashed chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic—and Baba ghanoush, made with baked or grilled eggplant, [...]