
Passover Chocolate Chip Cookies

2025-03-25T12:05:02-04:00March 25th, 2025|Categories: Cookies and Biscotti, Desserts, Desserts, Passover, Passover Desserts|

Everyone loves these Passover chocolate chip cookies. They are my most requested Passover cookie recipe. Reminiscent of the year round Toll House cookies, these are addictive and delicious. Wishing all a Zissen Pesach. 1 5/8 Cup matzah cake meal(1 1/2 Cups plus 2 tablespoons) 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 Cup (2 sticks) butter [...]

Hamantaschen Hugs

2025-03-12T08:24:28-04:00March 13th, 2025|Categories: Cookies and Biscotti, Desserts, Purim|Tags: , |

Since I can’t seem to get enough of these rugentaschen—here’s another fun recipe that uses Hershey’s Hugs. Dough 8 ounces or two sticks of butter 8 ounces of cream cheese 6 tablespoons sugar 2 cups flour ½ teaspoon salt Filling Mini chocolate chips Topping Hershey’s hugs or kisses Dough: In the bowl of [...]

Peanut Butter Cream Rugentaschen

2025-03-12T08:08:52-04:00March 12th, 2025|Categories: Cookies and Biscotti, Desserts, Purim|Tags: , |

One of my all time favorite cookies is rugelach—a scrumptious crescent shaped cookie made from a cream cheese dough.  I decided to use my rugelach dough to make hamantaschen and eureka!  This recipe for hamantaschen made with a rugelach dough, may be one of my favorite hamantaschen yet.  I call my hamantaschen made with cream [...]

Non-pareil Hamantaschen

2025-03-11T17:14:13-04:00March 11th, 2025|Categories: Cookies and Biscotti, Desserts, Purim|Tags: |

The Jewish holiday of Purim is just around the corner.  Beginning at sundown on Thursday, March 13th and ending on Friday, March 14th at sundown, Purim is a fun and festive holiday observed with much revelry and celebration.  Dating back to the Persian Empire of the 4th century b.c.e., Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jews [...]

Sfinge: Italian Doughnuts Filled with Ricotta

2024-12-22T12:39:33-05:00December 22nd, 2024|Categories: Desserts, Doughnuts, Hanukkah|

These gorgeous pastries are zeppoles aka Italian doughnuts.  They are filled with chocolate chip ricotta cream.  Perfect Hanukkah fried dessert!  Happy Hanukkah! 1 cup water 1 tablespoon sugar ½ teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter 1 ½ cups flour 4 eggs ½ tablespoon baking powder canola oil confectioner’s sugar Filling 8 ounces ricotta cheese (preferably [...]

Baked Doughnuts in Record Time

2024-12-22T12:22:01-05:00December 22nd, 2024|Categories: Desserts, Doughnuts, Hanukkah, Holidays|

For those who prefer baking to deep fat frying, you will love these doughnuts which use Pepperidge Farm prepared puff pastry.  The doughnuts bake up in 20 minutes.  You can then decorate them with various glazes and toppings.  They are beautiful, tasty, and fun to make with kids.  Happy Hanukkah! 1 package puff pastry [...]

Turkey Sugar Cookies

2024-11-23T20:40:52-05:00November 23rd, 2024|Categories: Cookies and Biscotti, Desserts, Rosh Hashanah, Thanksgiving|Tags: , , , |

If you're an avid cookie baker, you will want to make these turkey sugar cookies for Thanksgiving.  Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by your loved ones.  Praying for Israel--the safe return of the hostages, the safety and protection of our IDF heroes and all of our Israeli brothers and sisters. Praying for a speedy [...]

Pumpkin Pecan Pie

2024-11-22T08:31:35-05:00November 22nd, 2024|Categories: Desserts, Pies, Tarts and Tortes, Thanksgiving|Tags: , |

Pumpkin or pecan?  That is the question.  I adore both pies and when I can’t decide which to bake, I make one pie with a layer each of pumpkin and pecan, and a whole new taste sensation is born.  The pumpkin layer is delicately spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg, while the pecan layer incorporates maple [...]